
Zodiac - Natal Chart Inquiry

Date and Time of Birth

AD Year
Month Day
Hour Minute

Place of Birth


How to Find Longitude and Latitude

Zodiac Signs and Houses

Zodiac Sign Description
Sun The Sun is one of the most important planets in the natal chart, representing the core essence and consciousness of an individual. The Sun symbolizes one's self, willpower, and vitality. Its position and aspects in the natal chart reveal a person's Sun sign. The Sun sign's position provides insights into an individual's personality, self-expression, and personal goals. In the natal chart, the Sun's position is often viewed as the core traits and the guiding compass of one's life mission.
Mercury Mercury is the planet representing communication, thought, and learning abilities in the natal chart. It symbolizes one's intellect, eloquence, and thinking style. Mercury's position and aspects reflect a person's thought patterns, communication style, and learning abilities. The Mercury sign's position provides insights into one's language skills, logical thinking, communication methods, and inclinations towards learning and knowledge-seeking. In the natal chart, Mercury's position is seen as a key element in understanding one's thinking and communication, as well as reflecting one's style and strengths in expressing oneself and communicating with others.
Venus Venus is the planet representing love, aesthetics, and values in the natal chart. It symbolizes one's love and relationship patterns, as well as preferences for beauty and art. Venus's position and aspects reflect a person's needs, values, and attractiveness in love and relationships. The Venus sign's position provides insights into one's romantic style, criteria for choosing a partner, appreciation for beauty, and creative inclinations. In the natal chart, Venus's position is seen as a key element in understanding one's relationships and love life, as well as reflecting one's style and strengths in pursuing love and beautiful things.
Mars Mars is the planet representing action, passion, and decisiveness in the natal chart. It symbolizes one's motivation, competitive spirit, and sexual drive. Mars's position and aspects reflect a person's style and tendencies in action, pursuing goals, and resolving conflicts. The Mars sign's position provides insights into one's decisiveness, drive, competitiveness, and personality traits. In the natal chart, Mars's position is viewed as an indicator of personal energy, reflecting one's style and strengths in pursuing goals, facing challenges, and demonstrating leadership. Mars's position and aspects help us understand one's characteristics and challenges in taking action and achieving goals.
Jupiter Jupiter is the planet representing expansion, success, and luck in the natal chart. It symbolizes the forces of growth and expansion, representing fortune, opportunities, and abundance. Jupiter's position and aspects reflect a person's style and tendencies in pursuing goals, expanding horizons, and achieving success. The Jupiter sign's position provides insights into one's opportunities, success, belief system, and wisdom. In the natal chart, Jupiter's position is viewed as an indicator of personal luck, reflecting one's abilities and strengths in expansion and development. Jupiter's position and aspects help us understand one's characteristics and potential in career, academics, beliefs, and personal growth.
Saturn Saturn is the planet representing responsibility, discipline, and achievement in the natal chart. It symbolizes structure, stability, and practicality, representing life's challenges, limitations, and maturity. Saturn's position and aspects reflect a person's style and tendencies in achieving goals, building structure, and attaining stability. The Saturn sign's position provides insights into one's sense of responsibility, perseverance, and endurance. In the natal chart, Saturn's position is viewed as an indicator of personal achievement and professional development, reflecting one's abilities and challenges in achieving goals, overcoming difficulties, and establishing a stable foundation. Saturn's position and aspects help us understand one's characteristics and potential in career, finances, relationships, and personal growth.
Uranus Uranus is a planet representing breakthrough, innovation, and freedom. It symbolizes personal independence, innovative thinking, and the pursuit of freedom. In the natal chart, Uranus's position and aspects reflect a person's non-traditional and unique traits, as well as concerns for social and personal freedom. Uranus's position provides insights into one's creativity, innovation, and independent thinking. It represents the power to break through traditional frameworks, pursue personal truth, and achieve personal ideals. Uranus's position and aspects help us understand one's unique characteristics and potential in social, interpersonal relationships, and personal growth. It may also indicate changes, mutations, and unexpected events that an individual may encounter.
Neptune Neptune is a planet representing dreams, fantasy, and spirituality. It symbolizes imagination, intuition, and spiritual pursuits. In the natal chart, Neptune's position and aspects reflect a person's dreams, fantasies, and intuitive abilities, as well as concerns for spirituality and transcending material boundaries. Neptune's position provides insights into one's creativity, intuition, and spiritual experiences. It represents the pursuit of the unseen world and may relate to art, music, spiritual practices, and extrasensory abilities. Neptune's position and aspects help us understand one's potential and challenges in emotional, spiritual, and creative realms. It may also indicate tendencies towards confusion, loss, and escapism.
Pluto Pluto is a planet representing transformation, rebirth, and deep change. It symbolizes personal power, transformation, and the exploration of deep meaning. In the natal chart, Pluto's position and aspects reflect a person's inner strength, transformative abilities, and deep insight. Pluto's position provides insights into one's abilities and tendencies in facing transformation and deep change. It represents the pursuit of power, mastery, and deep meaning, which may relate to personal power use, inner transformation, and spiritual growth. Pluto's position and aspects help us understand one's potential and challenges in facing transformation and deep change. It may also indicate needs for mastery, self-control, and deep introspection.
Ascending Node

The Ascending Node (Ascending Node) is an important concept in celestial mechanics and astrology, also known as the North Node or Ascendant Node. In astronomy, the ecliptic is the path the Sun follows in the sky, and the Ascending Node is the point where the ecliptic intersects with the celestial equator.

In natal chart interpretation, the Ascending Node represents the point where celestial bodies cross the ecliptic at birth, marking their movement from the southern celestial sphere to the northern celestial sphere. The position of the Ascending Node can influence an individual's personality traits, destiny, and life path. It is often related to one's Ascendant sign (ASC) and houses, collectively shaping one's personality and behavior patterns.

The position of the Ascending Node in the natal chart provides insights into important themes and developmental areas in one's life. It is seen as the soul's starting point, influencing one's outward appearance, behavior style, interpersonal relationships, and self-expression.


In the natal chart, Lilith refers to the Black Moon Lilith, also known as Lilith. It is a hypothetical point in the chart representing raw, untamed energy. Black Moon Lilith is often associated with feminine power, sexuality, independence, and free will.

In natal chart interpretation, the position of Black Moon Lilith can provide insights into one's deep desires, shadow side, and aspects that conflict with societal norms. It may reveal one's inner longings, untamed instincts, and primal power. The position and aspects of Black Moon Lilith in the natal chart can offer a more detailed understanding and interpretation.

The Four Angles

The Four Angles Description
Ascendant (ASC) Also known as the Rising Sign, it represents the sign on the eastern horizon at the time of birth. It reflects one's outward traits, personality expression, and first impressions. The Ascendant provides insights into one's appearance, behavior style, demeanor, and reactions to the outside world.
Imum Coeli (IC) Also known as the Lower Midheaven, it represents the sign on the western horizon at the time of birth. It is related to family, roots, emotions, and the private aspects of personal life. The Imum Coeli reveals one's needs for family and personal life, emotional security, and emphasis on family and traditional values.
Descendant (DSC) Also known as the Descendant or West Rising Sign, it represents the sign on the western zenith line at the time of birth. It reflects one's style and approach to relationships, partnerships, and social interactions. The Descendant provides insights into one's cooperation abilities, interpersonal relationship style, and partner preferences.
Midheaven (MC) Also known as the Midheaven, it represents the sign on the eastern zenith line at the time of birth. It is related to one's career, social status, goals, and professional direction. The Midheaven shows one's ambitions, aspirations, and pursuit of success and achievement in social and professional fields.