Tarot - Public Tarot Reading - Does He/She Like Me?

The Lovers

The Lovers

Drawing the Lovers card usually represents love, relationships, choices, and decisions. The Lovers card symbolizes the peaks and depths of love, indicating a new beginning or a significant change in the relationship. So, if you ask, 'Does he/she like me?' and draw the Lovers card, it is generally a good sign. The Lovers card also means you need to make a choice in your emotional and romantic life, which might involve choosing between two options to resolve the issue.



Drawing the Death card in a reading typically represents transformation or endings. This could indicate the end of a relationship rather than a new beginning. Therefore, the appearance of this card might mean that the person does not have strong feelings for you or they might be going through changes that divert their attention away from you.

This is not a card of hope, but it is not entirely negative either. It represents change, which might be painful but ultimately helps you grow and mature. In terms of relationships, it might mean you need to let go of this person and move forward.

The World

The World

Drawing the World card in a reading is usually a good sign, indicating that you might have found your true partner. If you ask if he/she likes you and draw the World card, it might mean that he/she will become more focused on you in the future and your relationship will become more stable and peaceful. The World card also indicates that your relationship has reached an important turning point, and you will accomplish significant tasks or goals together.

However, the World card might also suggest that you need to end a relationship. If you find that your relationship is no longer suitable or has problems that need resolving, the World card might be hinting that it's time to end it and find someone more suitable for you.



When the Strength card appears in a tarot reading, it usually indicates emotional strength and charm. If you ask if he/she likes you and this card appears, it means you have an attraction to him/her, and he/she might have feelings for you but might be observing your relationship more. They might have feelings for you but need time to process their emotions, and you need to be patient. In any case, the Strength card is a positive sign, indicating that your charm and attractiveness can catch their attention and interest.