Tarot - Public Tarot Reading - Is Someone Secretly In Love With Me?

The Moon

The Moon

Drawing the Moon card might indicate that things are not very clear, and there might be some confusion and uncertainty in emotions. This could mean that someone around you has feelings for you, but they haven't revealed them yet or are afraid to express them. It might also mean that you are hesitant and unsure about your feelings, requiring more time to think and explore. It's advised to keep an open mind, be receptive to everyone and everything in life, and you'll be more likely to notice if someone around you has feelings for you. Also, learn to listen to your inner voice to determine what you truly want, helping you choose your direction better.

Wheel of Fortune

Wheel of Fortune

Drawing the Wheel of Fortune card indicates that your life is currently undergoing changes, and new people, including those who secretly admire you, might be entering your life. The Wheel of Fortune card suggests the uncertainty and emergence of opportunities, implying that something is happening that you might not be aware of or haven't noticed yet. Therefore, if you start to feel curious about someone, they might also have a secret crush on you. Don't hesitate to initiate more interactions and observe their reactions. However, don't be too eager to find answers; let your feelings develop naturally, trusting that destiny will arrange the best outcome for you.



Drawing the Judgement card might indicate that someone around you has started to notice you and is developing a certain level of interest in you. This person could be someone you already know or someone you haven't met yet. However, the Judgement card also reminds you that when it appears, you need to face your inner world and make appropriate decisions. This means that if you want someone who secretly admires you to enter your life, you also need to clarify your thoughts about love and whether you are ready to start a new relationship. If you are ready, you might have the chance to connect with those around you.

The Sun

The Sun

Drawing the Sun card represents positive, enthusiastic, bright, and joyful energy, which is a very positive message. If you ask 'Does someone secretly love me?' and draw the Sun card, it might indicate that someone around you or a specific person has feelings for you or secretly admires you. Additionally, this card represents confidence and the ability to express yourself, meaning you can attract more attention by showcasing your talents and charm. It's suggested that you pay more attention to the people around you and maintain a confident and positive attitude.

The Magician

The Magician

Drawing the Magician card might indicate that someone around you is highly curious and interested in you, but they haven't fully revealed their feelings yet, or you haven't noticed them. The Magician represents confidence, creativity, wit, and charm, suggesting that you might attract people around you. However, you need to take the initiative to get closer to and understand the other person to know if someone secretly admires you. It's advised to interact more with those around you, increase your social opportunities, and remember to stay confident and charming.

The Hierophant

The Hierophant

Drawing the Hierophant card suggests that some people might secretly admire you, but they might be shy or conservative and reluctant to express their feelings directly. This card also represents a spiritual connection, indicating that you and some people might share similar beliefs or values, making it easier for them to develop feelings for you. However, the Hierophant card also signifies traditional values, meaning those who secretly admire you might need more time and courage to confess their feelings, or they might have higher standards for establishing a relationship with you. It's advised to pay attention to the people around you and take the initiative to interact with them, as this might lead to unexpected rewards.