Tarot - Public Tarot Reading - Is My Current Job Suitable for Me?

The Chariot

The Chariot

Drawing the Chariot card represents progress and success energy. Therefore, the appearance of this card indicates that your job is in a favorable state, and you have the capability to achieve your goals. Your confidence and perseverance allow you to face any challenges. This card also suggests that you need to maintain a positive, goal-oriented attitude and focus on your objectives while taking decisive actions when necessary. Overall, the Chariot card signifies that your job status is good, you have the drive to move forward, and your career goals and visions are worth pursuing.



Drawing the Strength card indicates that your current job is suitable for you because you possess the perseverance and endurance to overcome difficulties and face challenges and pressure, allowing you to excel in your work. It also signifies that you have good self-control and discipline, maintaining balance and stability in your job. You might also demonstrate your creativity and enthusiasm at work, bringing more value to the company. Although the job might sometimes be tiring, your perseverance and endurance enable you to overcome any obstacles. Therefore, the current job is very suitable for you.

The Hermit

The Hermit

Drawing the Hermit card suggests that your current job might feel lonely and quiet, lacking interaction and social opportunities, making you feel somewhat uncomfortable. You might need more time and space to reflect on your job content, goals, and direction. It's advised to try building your social network or proactively seek communication and interaction with colleagues or supervisors to better understand your work content and company culture. This can also bring more accomplishment and satisfaction to your work. If you truly feel the job is not suitable for you, consider seeking other opportunities that better align with your interests and abilities, but be sure not to give up your current job lightly and make adequate preparations and considerations.

The Hanged Man

The Hanged Man

Drawing the Hanged Man card represents adversity and obstacles. Your current job situation might feel full of difficulties, not progressing as expected, or making you feel trapped. This might indicate the need to reassess your job situation and rethink your career goals and direction. This card might also suggest that you need to face your issues and solve them to move forward.

Therefore, if you draw the Hanged Man card, public tarot reading indicates that your current job situation might require more patience and wisdom to deal with or need you to adjust your direction to adapt to the current workplace environment. It's advised to carefully consider your goals and future development direction and seek more advice and help to face the current difficulties.