Yue Lao Fortune Poems - Tenth Fortune Stick - Interpreting

Tenth Fortune Stick


It is said that raising children prepares for old age,

And storing grain prepares for famine.

Reading the Fortune Stick Poem

Since ancient times, there have been two major teachings. Raising children to prepare for old age, so they can serve and entertain you in your later years. Living frugally and storing grain can prevent famine. Especially in raising children, they must be well taught. The same applies to marriage. Once you are married, you can take care of each other in old age.

Note: Men should marry when grown, and women should wed when of age. Raise children and deepen marital affection.

Interpreting the Poem

This fortune stick describes the importance of planning life to avoid future difficulties. In terms of love, it suggests the importance of finding a suitable partner who can be a significant support in your life. It also reminds people to choose their partners carefully, not blindly falling in love and neglecting practical needs.