Yue Lao Fortune Poems - One Hundredth Fortune Stick - Interpreting

One Hundredth Fortune Stick

Most Auspicious

Flowers bloom,

The moon is full,

Life is long.

Reading the Fortune Stick Poem

This is the last and most auspicious stick. It signifies great fortune. The poem says: Flowers bloom, the moon is full, and life is long, representing the highest aspirations of life. It indicates happiness and longevity in marriage, leading to a long and happy life together.

Interpreting the Poem

This is a lucky stick indicating beautiful things like blooming flowers, a full moon, and long life. In love, it suggests a lasting and beautiful relationship or marriage. The stick's symbols of happiness and longevity also hint at a long-lasting love and a fulfilling life. Therefore, it is a very fortunate stick, suggesting positive developments in love and a long-term happiness.