Yue Lao Fortune Poems - King of Fortune Sticks - Interpreting

King of Fortune Sticks

King of Fortune Sticks

A perfect match made in heaven,

A divine and beautiful couple.

What more could you ask for?

Reading the Fortune Stick Poem

A perfect match, a divine couple, living together for a hundred years. No need to seek another good match.

Note: A match made in heaven, a perfect union for a hundred years. If asking about a life partner, this signifies a divine and beautiful couple.

Interpreting the Poem

This stick can be understood as 'destined by fate.' The King of Fortune Sticks means you are destined to have a wonderful partner. The phrase 'divine and beautiful couple' implies that this partner is not only beautiful but also extraordinary. Thus, this stick suggests that love will come when it's destined, and this relationship will be very beautiful, with mutual admiration and support, like a divine couple. It also reminds people not to rush in love, but to patiently wait for the right person to appear.