Yue Lao Fortune Poems - Twelfth Fortune Stick - Interpreting

Twelfth Fortune Stick


One is happy,

One is fearful.

Reading the Fortune Stick Poem

In this world, nothing is perfect. Some even say that in life, eight or nine out of ten things do not go as desired. In such an ever-changing world, how should we face reality? We should analyze and choose carefully, avoiding excessive demands and not being discouraged by small setbacks.

Note: Things are never perfect; joy and sorrow coexist. Face reality and avoid excessive demands.

Interpreting the Poem

This fortune stick indicates that love involves both joy and fear. You may like someone but worry whether they will accept you, or fear the risks and uncertainties that love brings. You may feel optimistic about the future but worry about past problems or challenges affecting your relationship. In summary, this fortune reminds you to maintain joy in love while seriously addressing concerns and difficulties.