Yue Lao Fortune Poems - Fourteenth Fortune Stick - Interpreting

Fourteenth Fortune Stick

Extremely High

Who says bitter tea is bitter,

Its sweetness is like cress.

Celebrate your new marriage,

As affectionate as a historian and brother.

Reading the Fortune Stick Poem

One's preconceived notions can make them love something. Like bitter melon or bitter tea, despite their bitterness, those who love them find them delicious and sweet. The same goes for choosing a partner; when love is the foundation, there is no distinction between high and low status.

Note: If the man is affectionate and the woman is interested, status does not matter; love extends to all.

Interpreting the Poem

The phrase 'bitter tea' represents difficulties, while 'cress' represents sweetness. This idiom conveys that in marriage, there may be difficulties, but if both partners can mutually tolerate and understand each other, they can overcome these difficulties and achieve happiness. Therefore, this fortune encourages couples to be tolerant and understanding to maintain long-lasting happiness.