Yue Lao Fortune Poems - Fifteenth Fortune Stick - Interpreting

Fifteenth Fortune Stick


A gentleman considers propriety,

Not falsely accused of deceit and trickery.

Reading the Fortune Stick Poem

A gentleman must pay attention to propriety. Knowing that words and actions can lose propriety, he stays upright and does not take an improper path. His thoughts are noble, and his demeanor high. As pure as ice and jade, he is well-liked, and others have no grounds to slander him.

Note: Gentlemen should conduct themselves with propriety, and ladies should maintain chastity. Impropriety and frivolity lead to slander.

Interpreting the Poem

This fortune means that in love, one should adhere to honesty and not deceive the other with cunning means. Have the demeanor of a gentleman. If you are interested in someone, treat them with sincerity and do not use deceit or lies to gain their attention or love. Honesty and truth are the foundations for building a long-lasting and stable relationship.