Yue Lao Fortune Poems - Sixteenth Fortune Stick - Interpreting

Sixteenth Fortune Stick

Extremely High

Beloved person,

Person in one's heart,

Even the emotionless flowers and birds express feelings,

Together they rest on the branches, learning to nest together.

Reading the Fortune Stick Poem

When one's heart is devoted, everything will align. In other words, when the beloved person is also devoted, true feelings are revealed, even the inanimate flowers and birds seem to express feelings. When emotions are deep, fate will follow, and opportunities will come.

Note: Mutual affection between two people, flowers and birds convey feelings, two hearts depend on each other, and love lasts long.

Interpreting the Poem

This fortune expresses mutual attraction and affection in love. 'Beloved person' and 'person in one's heart' correspond to each other, indicating that both people have each other in their hearts. The inanimate flowers and birds are also affected by love, indicating that this love influences the surrounding environment. 'Together they rest on the branches, learning to nest together' symbolizes the couple living together and building a family. Overall, this is a fortune indicating a happy and fulfilling love.