Yue Lao Fortune Poems - Seventeenth Fortune Stick - Interpreting

Seventeenth Fortune Stick


Virtue is the foundation,

Wealth is secondary.

Reading the Fortune Stick Poem

Ancient wisdom says that the most important things in life are establishing virtue, making significant contributions, and achieving great deeds. A virtuous person values wealth lightly. If one has both virtue and wealth, the latter should not overshadow the former. Wealth is necessary but should be acquired righteously. When choosing a spouse, these principles apply as well. A good husband and a virtuous wife should be chosen, not prioritizing wealth over virtue, as it may lead to dire consequences.

Note: Choose a good husband and a virtuous wife, value virtue over wealth, and achieve harmony and fulfillment.

Interpreting the Poem

Virtue is essential, and wealth is temporary. This means that in love, people should focus on the character and moral qualities of their partner rather than just their wealth and material conditions. If you truly love someone, you should cherish their personality and inner value, not just their external conditions. Wealth may bring temporary happiness, but only the true character and inner qualities of a person can bring lasting happiness.