Yue Lao Fortune Poems - Eighteenth Fortune Stick - Interpreting

Eighteenth Fortune Stick


Not only is inner virtue abundant,

But also supported by external charm.

Reading the Fortune Stick Poem

Just as an eagle hides its claws, a person of talent may not display their abilities openly. In marriage, however, when you have feelings for someone, you should appropriately showcase your strengths to gain their trust and affection. If you keep your feelings hidden, the other person may not understand, and you may miss the opportunity.

Note: If you have feelings, express them fully. Your sincerity will touch them, and you will achieve success.

Interpreting the Poem

This fortune's explanation is quite abstract and may need a more specific interpretation based on the situation.

Firstly, it emphasizes the importance of inner virtue and external charm. In love, this may refer to building a solid emotional foundation and maintaining good relationships while also paying attention to one's image and external presentation.

Secondly, the fortune mentions that external attraction also helps inner virtue. This can be understood as the influence of the external environment and relationships on one's growth and progress. In love, this might mean choosing a suitable partner, building a good interactive relationship, and learning from each other.

Overall, this fortune reminds people not to overly pursue wealth and appearances but to focus on inner virtue and relationships. In love, building a solid emotional foundation, paying attention to interactive relationships, and learning and growing from each other are crucial.