Yue Lao Fortune Poems - Nineteenth Fortune Stick - Interpreting

Nineteenth Fortune Stick


Perhaps ten years,

Or seven or eight years,

Or five or six years,

Or three or four years.

Reading the Fortune Stick Poem

Whether it is five or six years, or three or four years, it all indicates the time it takes for your relationship to come to fruition. It may take three, four, or even six years, or perhaps seven or eight years, or even ten years. When thinking about it, various factors such as time, space, career, and studies may cause separations. There might be sudden changes due to certain opportunities. Patience is required as rushing might lead to changes.

Note: If you ask about the timing, the relationship is not yet mature. Do not force it; wait for the right opportunity.

Interpreting the Poem

This indicates that time is a factor, and it might take years or even decades of waiting. In terms of love, it means you need to be patient and wait for the right person to appear instead of rushing into a relationship. It also reminds you to cherish the time spent with your loved one and not give up easily.