Yue Lao Fortune Poems - Twentieth Fortune Stick - Interpreting

Twentieth Fortune Stick


What to do,

Confucius says,

It is acceptable.

Reading the Fortune Stick Poem

If someone asks what to do in a certain situation, the answer is: it is acceptable. Meaning it can be done. Ask your elders for guidance, and if they say it is acceptable, you can proceed confidently. The same applies to marriage. If you are currently seeing someone and wonder if they are suitable, seek advice from your elders, and their approval is a good sign.

Note: If you ask whether it is acceptable, the answer is yes. Everything can be pursued; no need to hesitate.

Interpreting the Poem

In terms of love, this fortune may represent affirmation and support, indicating that the relationship is positive and promising. It might be answering whether the relationship is worth pursuing, and the answer is 'yes,' meaning the decision is correct and worth sticking to. However, remember that this is just an interpretation of the fortune; the final decision should be made by the individual.