Yue Lao Fortune Poems - Twenty-first Fortune Stick - Interpreting

Twenty-first Fortune Stick

Extremely High

Within ten acres,

The mulberry trees are leisurely tended.

Reading the Fortune Stick Poem

Once, a household with five acres of land planted mulberries and hemp, providing enough for three meals a day. Now, having ten acres of land for mulberries and hemp, life is more comfortable. Stability in life, valuing modesty and peace, brings joy. Otherwise, divine punishment may follow.

Note: Ten acres of land ensure sustenance. Value modesty and peace, and accept your fate joyfully.

Interpreting the Poem

This fortune depicts a serene rural scene with mulberry trees growing quietly. In terms of love, it may be advising that love, like a peaceful field, needs time to grow and develop naturally. It also suggests that, like mulberry trees taking time to mature, love requires patience and faith in its potential to grow. Thus, this fortune may be reminding people to be patient and confident in love, believing in its strength and potential to develop.