Yue Lao Fortune Poems - Twenty-third Fortune Stick - Interpreting

Twenty-third Fortune Stick


Only a bit of old love remains,

Just like the spring silkworm to the end,

Still spinning silk.

Reading the Fortune Stick Poem

You are captivated by this person, like a spring silkworm in its cocoon, stubbornly persistent. One's feelings should not be so obsessive. Everything should be in moderation. Do not cling to a situation without considering the consequences. You should value yourself.

Note: Captivated by love, like a silkworm in its cocoon, binding yourself and ruining your future.

Interpreting the Poem

'Old love' refers to past feelings, and 'spring silkworm to the end, still spinning silk' signifies retaining a desire and persistence for love even when old and frail. This fortune suggests persistence and loyalty in love, indicating that despite the passage of time, feelings remain unchanged. It also reminds people to cherish current love and seize the moment, not letting love fade away with time.