Yue Lao Fortune Poems - Twenty-fourth Fortune Stick - Interpreting

Twenty-fourth Fortune Stick


His thoughts are exhausted,

But the resentment is not exhausted,

It is like the graceful phoenix losing its mate.

Reading the Fortune Stick Poem

His thoughts are exhausted, indicating he has no love left for you, and even holds deep resentment. The reason is that he remains alone, symbolizing the graceful phoenix losing its mate. If there are children, they may not live with him for the rest of his life. Seek divine intervention for resolution.

Note: His heart is loveless, resentment is endless. If you want to reconcile, seek divine intervention.

Interpreting the Poem

The graceful phoenix refers to a pair of mythical birds, often seen as a couple. This fortune indicates that the relationship between two people has completely broken down and cannot be mended, like the phoenix losing its mate. While one party may still miss the other, the relationship has reached its end and cannot continue. This fortune reminds people to cherish and maintain love, or they may lose each other's trust and affection.