Yue Lao Fortune Poems - Twenty-fifth Fortune Stick - Interpreting

Twenty-fifth Fortune Stick


A suitable wife.

Reading the Fortune Stick Poem

A suitable wife. The person is a good partner and can be married. Currently, there may be some minor issues, but they are not worth worrying about. Once married, you will enjoy a happy and long-lasting relationship.

Note: She is a good person, can be married, and once married, will enjoy a happy and long-lasting relationship.

Interpreting the Poem

This is a fortunate stick, indicating that marriage is possible. However, the stick poem is just a clue and should not be the sole basis for making a decision. In a love relationship, besides external fate and conditions, both parties need to put in effort and sincerity. So, if you have found someone you love, you should manage the relationship with care, believing that it can lead to a beautiful future.