Yue Lao Fortune Poems - Twenty-sixth Fortune Stick - Interpreting

Twenty-sixth Fortune Stick

Extremely High

Bears and badgers,

Are auspicious for men.

Vipers and snakes,

Are auspicious for women.

Reading the Fortune Stick Poem

Dreaming of bears and badgers is auspicious for men, indicating future success and prosperity. Dreaming of vipers and snakes is also auspicious for women. This poem tells you that if a boy is born, he will become successful, and if a girl is born, she will become a virtuous lady.

Note: Men dream of bears, women dream of vipers, both are auspicious signs, indicating the birth of a boy or girl.

Interpreting the Poem

Men dreaming of bears and badgers is an auspicious dream, indicating good luck and future success. It signifies the birth of a boy.

This stick indicates that men dreaming of bears or badgers, and women dreaming of vipers or snakes are auspicious signs. However, this is more of a prediction about personal fate or career rather than love. These types of poems are often unrelated to marriage or romantic relationships. Therefore, interpreting this in the context of love might be less relevant.