Yue Lao Fortune Poems - Twenty-seventh Fortune Stick - Interpreting

Twenty-seventh Fortune Stick

Moderate High

With the beauty of a noble family.

Reading the Fortune Stick Poem

You should know that being born into a noble family is no longer significant. Times have changed, and there are no longer distinctions between noble ranks. All people are equal. Therefore, when seeking a good partner, you should look among common people. The old saying about matching families in marriage is outdated. Instead, focus on love and fate.

Note: Everyone is born equal, do not aim too high and miss opportunities.

Interpreting the Poem

This phrase might hint at marriage. A noble family refers to a royal or aristocratic family, indicating that your partner might come from a good background with noble and elegant qualities. However, the poem does not guarantee a happy marriage; it still requires mutual care, trust, and understanding.