Yue Lao Fortune Poems - Twenty-ninth Fortune Stick - Interpreting

Twenty-ninth Fortune Stick


Intentionally planting flowers, but they do not bloom,

Unintentionally planting willows, but they provide shade.

Reading the Fortune Stick Poem

Carefully tending to flowers, but they wither midway. On the other hand, simply planting willow branches by the pond and they flourish. Marriage is similar; you may intend to marry someone from one family but end up marrying someone from another family, which turns out to be wonderful.

Note: Fate in marriage is predetermined, effort does not guarantee results, but it may come unexpectedly.

Interpreting the Poem

This suggests that sometimes we try hard to achieve something, but it doesn’t work out, while other things may succeed without much effort. In terms of love, it advises not to force relationships but to let them happen naturally. Sometimes, despite all efforts to pursue someone, it may not work out; however, a relationship might develop unexpectedly with someone else. The advice is to stay calm and let love happen naturally.