Yue Lao Fortune Poems - Third Fortune Stick - Interpreting

Third Fortune Stick

Extremely Auspicious

Worshipped in the ancestral temple,

Blessed are the descendants.

Reading the Fortune Stick Poem

The blessings of the previous generation extend to the descendants, and so do the misfortunes. The blessings of this generation should not be forgotten. Enjoyed from the previous generation, we should strive to extend them to the next generation. When everything is done in this way, each generation can enjoy endless blessings. As you remember your ancestors, so will your descendants.

Note: Accumulating virtue from ancestors, harmony and happiness, a perfect marriage, many children and grandchildren.

Interpreting the Poem

The main meaning is that 'the blessings of your ancestors will benefit your descendants.' In love, this fortune may suggest that your ancestors in heaven are blessing you, helping you find a truly suitable partner, or protecting your love to make it lasting and stable. This fortune also reminds you to always remember your ancestors and family in your love life, cherish the relationships you have, and be willing to work hard and persist for them.