Yue Lao Fortune Poems - Thirtieth Fortune Stick - Interpreting

Thirtieth Fortune Stick


Talking farewell through the long night, longing again this spring.

The jade maiden cannot be seen, who else in the Wu Gorge?

Moving stones to fill the sea, riding a raft to ask the ford.

Reading the Fortune Stick Poem

The feelings remain unnoted, who will be your neighbor?

During farewell, the time feels too short. Longing remains in vain. The jade maiden and Wu Gorge are unreachable. In this uncertain realm, one must focus on reality and truth to achieve results. Imagining distant dreams is futile.

Note: Do not seek the void, do not ask about ghosts and spirits. If you seek to stay together, focus on the present.

Interpreting the Poem

This fortune describes a man longing for his love after a long, lonely night. He seeks a way forward but is hindered by fate. The jade maiden and Wu Gorge are mythical, symbolizing his mental obstacles. Moving stones to fill the sea and riding a raft to ask the ford represent difficulties in his love journey.

Overall, this fortune expresses the difficulties and hardships in love. Despite the long separation, the man's longing remains. Pursuing love requires effort and overcoming obstacles, just like the challenges faced by the man in the poem. Only through continuous effort can one find a way forward and let love blossom.