Yue Lao Fortune Poems - Thirty-first Fortune Stick - Interpreting

Thirty-first Fortune Stick


Setting traps, the night is quiet and the water is cold, the fish do not bite.

Laughing at the empty boat carrying the bright moon.

Reading the Fortune Stick Poem

In the stillness of night, when the water is deep and cold, the fish do not bite. When out hunting, you return empty-handed, the boat carrying the bright moon home. This indicates your current fortune. Focus on reality, do not chase illusions. Seek truth, otherwise, everything will be in vain and nothing will be achieved.

Note: If asking about marriage, the waters are cold, fishing in the cold pool, hopes are hard to achieve.

Interpreting the Poem

Sometimes in love, our expectations or hopes may be illusions, like fishing in cold water at night when fish do not bite, yet we still hold on to hope. Similarly, in love, we may have illusions or unrealistic expectations, hoping for something to happen but ending up empty-handed.

This fortune reminds people to keep a clear mind in love, not to be blinded by fantasies or expectations, and to accept reality, facing the possibilities in love with a calm heart.