Yue Lao Fortune Poems - Thirty-second Fortune Stick - Interpreting

Thirty-second Fortune Stick


Due to the lotus, the lotus root is obtained,

Having apricots, there is no need for plums.

Reading the Fortune Stick Poem

This poem uses homophones. Due to the lotus 'he' (何), the lotus root 'ou' (偶) is obtained. Having apricots 'xing' (幸), there is no need for plums 'mei' (媒). This indicates that due to the lotus, the lotus root is obtained, and with luck, there is no need for a matchmaker. Your good fortune is unparalleled.

Note: Sowing seeds yields fruit, no need for a matchmaker, a harmonious union.

Interpreting the Poem

Lotus and lotus root are parts of the same plant, while apricots and plums are different. Literally, it means due to the lotus, the lotus root is obtained, and having apricots, there is no need for plums. But it metaphorically means that lovers complement each other naturally without external assistance.

Therefore, this fortune can be interpreted as in love, as long as both parties genuinely love each other, they will complement each other like the lotus and lotus root. No external factors are needed. Even if external conditions are not ideal, mutual support and growth are possible. 'Having apricots, there is no need for plums' also implies that in love, everyone is unique and does not need to imitate or cater to others. Being true to oneself will be reciprocated with love.