Yue Lao Fortune Poems - Thirty-third Fortune Stick - Interpreting

Thirty-third Fortune Stick

Extremely Auspicious

Can be entrusted with the care of an orphan,

Can be entrusted with the fate of a hundred miles.

Reading the Fortune Stick Poem

If you can meet someone like Bao Shuya, you can treat them with full sincerity. This person is a noble person. When they achieve greatness, you will also have great success. Therefore, one’s hope can be entrusted to this person.

Note: If asking about a noble person, it is the Matchmaker. If asking about marriage, it is a match made in heaven.

Interpreting the Poem

This fortune talks about trust and reliance, which are very important in a romantic relationship. If one can entrust their loneliness and fate to another at a crucial moment, it requires great trust and reliance. The 'orphan' and 'fate of a hundred miles' in this fortune can be understood as the trust and commitment between lovers. If you are willing to entrust your loneliest side and most important life to your partner, it requires strong trust and reliance in love. This is also a commitment and investment in love.