Yue Lao Fortune Poems - Thirty-sixth Fortune Stick - Interpreting

Thirty-sixth Fortune Stick


Throwing me a peach,

I repay with a jade jewel.

Reading the Fortune Stick Poem

My friend gives me a peach. Like a humble gift, I gratefully repay with a jade jewel. People say, 'Repay a pound with an ounce.' If one treats others with sincerity, good results are certain. This should be the principle of conduct.

Interpreting the Poem

'Throwing me a peach, I repay with a jade jewel' means if you treat others kindly, you will receive kindness in return, just like receiving a peach and repaying with a jade jewel. This fortune indicates that your efforts and contributions will eventually be rewarded. It also reminds you to treat others kindly, do good deeds, and constantly consider others. This way, you will gain respect and trust, achieving better results.