Yue Lao Fortune Poems - Thirty-ninth Fortune Stick - Interpreting

Thirty-ninth Fortune Stick


If not in harmony with parents,

One cannot be a person.

If not in harmony with parents,

One cannot be a good child.

Reading the Fortune Stick Poem

If a person loses their parents' heart, how can they be considered a person? Losing the heart of kin also means losing friends. Once friends are lost, everything is gone. You should know to respect and honor your parents, be kind to your siblings and friends, and only then can you gain the hearts of people in the world.

Interpreting the Poem

This is a stick about family relationships. It tells you to respect your family because they are an important part of your life. If you don't respect them, you can't be a true person. This stick also suggests that if you encounter difficulties, you should seek help from your family, as they are the closest people to you and the most willing to help you. Additionally, if you have children, you need to respect them so that they can become happy and healthy individuals.