Yue Lao Fortune Poems - Fourth Fortune Stick - Interpreting

Fourth Fortune Stick


This person,

And has this illness.

This person,

And has this illness.

Reading the Fortune Stick Poem

Everyone has faults, problems, and peculiarities. Even sages had them before achieving perfect cultivation. Faults and mistakes are unavoidable.

The ancient saying goes: 'To know one's faults and be able to correct them is the greatest virtue.' Just as if a person is ill and does not avoid seeking a doctor, they will be healed.

Note: No one is perfect, but recognizing and correcting one's mistakes is the path to improvement.

Interpreting the Poem

This poem has profound meaning and can be understood from multiple perspectives. 'This person' and 'this illness' may imply the struggles and difficulties in life, or it could be the poet's reflection and regret over a life of indulgence. The specific interpretation can vary from person to person.