Yue Lao Fortune Poems - Forty-first Fortune Stick - Interpreting

Forty-first Fortune Stick

Moderate High

A good person,

Is someone to rely on for life,

As it is now.

Reading the Fortune Stick Poem

A person's goodness or badness must be consistently maintained throughout their life. If someone’s true nature is revealed as deceitful, you should immediately distance yourself from them to avoid future regrets.

Interpreting the Poem

This stick indicates that a good person is like a crucial pillar in life, one who you can rely on and expect to be steadfast. It reminds you to cherish and maintain the relationship with your good person, not giving up easily due to temporary impulses or setbacks. If you haven't found your good person yet, it suggests that they are already in your life and you need to observe carefully and seize the opportunity.