Yue Lao Fortune Poems - Forty-second Fortune Stick - Interpreting

Forty-second Fortune Stick


Layer upon layer up to the Jade Tower,

Calling the servant to sweep away but in vain,

The sun drives it away,

The moon sends it back.

Reading the Fortune Stick Poem

Clouds and mist cover the Jade Tower. Calling a servant to sweep it away has no effect. Fortunately, the strong sunlight drives it away, but as the bright moon rises, it returns. This indicates that although you may suffer unexpected losses, you will also have unexpected gains. It will not take long.

Interpreting the Poem

Although you may encounter difficulties and setbacks, do not be discouraged. Success requires effort, and when you overcome obstacles, you will gain greater rewards. Sometimes success needs the right timing, so do not give up easily and wait patiently for the right opportunity. In terms of love, it indicates that you may experience some difficulties, but eventually, you will meet the right person.