Yue Lao Fortune Poems - Forty-third Fortune Stick - Interpreting

Forty-third Fortune Stick


The gentleman has the peach of diligence,

The lady does not refuse the shuttle.

Reading the Fortune Stick Poem

As a gentleman, if you extend a helping hand, you will find it as sweet as a peach. Similarly, as a lady, when you need help, you will receive support and not face rejection. This stick encourages people to be willing to help others, believing that when you need help, you will receive support and assistance from others.

Interpreting the Poem

For a gentleman, when he extends a helping hand, he receives support as easily as receiving a sweet peach. For a lady, when she needs help, she will be supported and not rejected. This stick encourages people to be willing to help others, trusting that when you need help, you will receive it in return.