Yue Lao Fortune Poems - Forty-fourth Fortune Stick - Interpreting

Forty-fourth Fortune Stick


Far and near as one,

Leading guests to the old king.

Reading the Fortune Stick Poem

Far and near, all as one. Since ancient times, there has been an unchanging truth. Regardless of time and place, new friends are not as good as old ones, and new lands are not as good as old lands. This is the essence of the person involved.

Interpreting the Poem

'Far and near as one' indicates gathering people together, whether they are near or far, to celebrate or collaborate on an important task. It suggests cooperation and mutual assistance, focusing on the greater good, leading to success. It is a good omen.

In terms of love, 'Far and near as one' represents overcoming distance and barriers, coming together for common goals and values. 'Leading guests to the old king' can be understood as mutual respect, support, and advancement, leading to a brighter future together.