Yue Lao Fortune Poems - Forty-fifth Fortune Stick - Interpreting

Forty-fifth Fortune Stick


The younger generation is to be feared,

Who knows if the future will be better than the present?

Reading the Fortune Stick Poem

You are currently satisfied with your situation. However, who knows if the future might bring even better opportunities? Given the current environment, you should make careful choices. Be prudent in selecting people with both character and talent.

Interpreting the Poem

This fortune suggests that young people have great potential and future development, but do not underestimate the present. Seize the moment and work hard, as current efforts are also the foundation for future success. In terms of love, it reminds people not to easily give up their current relationship or delay it in the hope of finding a better partner in the future. Cherish the present, take love seriously, and continue to work on improving the quality of your relationship.