Yue Lao Fortune Poems - Fifth Fortune Stick - Interpreting

Fifth Fortune Stick


If you climb over the eastern neighbor's wall and embrace his daughter,

Then you will get a wife.

If you do not embrace,

Then you will not get a wife.

Reading the Fortune Stick Poem

In a chance opportunity or after a long acquaintance, if you see someone as a potential lifelong partner, you should take action. Do not miss the opportunity. When a good match arrives, one must be brave and move forward.

Note: In such a good match, do not hesitate. When the fruit is ripe, seize the opportunity to succeed.

Interpreting the Poem

It describes a man's desire to obtain the woman he admires, depicting a specific scenario and action. However, such behavior is not encouraged or accepted in modern society, as it infringes on women's autonomy and dignity. Therefore, we should not learn love methods from this fortune stick, but should respect others' wishes and follow modern societal moral values and laws.