Yue Lao Fortune Poems - Fiftieth Fortune Stick - Interpreting

Fiftieth Fortune Stick


Two lifetimes in one body,

Alone and unsupported.

Reading the Fortune Stick Poem

The 'two lifetimes in one body' refers to the idea of being single and alone. Remaining single will lead to a lonely existence. It is a timeless truth that men should marry and women should wed. To alleviate life's loneliness, it is advisable to abandon the idea of staying single and consider marriage.

Interpreting the Poem

The verse vividly expresses a feeling of loneliness, possibly indicating separation or loneliness in love. 'Two lifetimes in one body' suggests past and present lives, while 'alone and unsupported' indicates being alone in love, describing a situation of heartbreak or unrequited love. However, it can also be interpreted as two people meeting due to fate from past lives and being together in this life, inseparable and walking through life's journey together. Further interpretation depends on the specific context of the question.