Yue Lao Fortune Poems - Fifty-fourth Fortune Stick - Interpreting

Fifty-fourth Fortune Stick


Success comes from Xiao He,

Failure also comes from Xiao He.

Reading the Fortune Stick Poem

Throughout life, one should follow their parents' orders. However, with the changes in times and new viewpoints, if there are any opinions, one must express them to their parents, seeking their agreement. One should not blindly follow to the point of destruction. The same applies to matchmaking; it should be carefully considered.

Interpreting the Poem

This fortune means: 'Success and failure both have their reasons, don't boast about fortune or misfortune.' In love, whether success or failure, there are reasons behind it. One should not be arrogant or despairing about fate and destiny. Therefore, this stick reminds people to maintain a calm and composed attitude when facing gains and losses in love, and to trust in their luck and fate.