Yue Lao Fortune Poems - Fifty-seventh Fortune Stick - Interpreting

Fifty-seventh Fortune Stick

Extremely Auspicious

It is said the phoenix flies,

Harmonious sounds resonate.

Reading the Fortune Stick Poem

You look up and see phoenixes flying together in the sky. Their harmonious sounds resonate, like the current situation for you. You will find a good match, and like a pair of phoenixes soaring in the sky, you will live harmoniously with your partner, growing old together.

Interpreting the Poem

The phoenix is a mythical bird symbolizing happiness, beauty, and prosperity. Harmonious sounds indicate mutual understanding and a harmonious relationship. The resonant sound suggests that there are no conflicts or disputes between the couple, and they get along very well. This fortune stick suggests a beautiful relationship where both partners appreciate, respect, and love each other, living happily together for a long time.