Yue Lao Fortune Poems - Fifty-eighth Fortune Stick - Interpreting

Fifty-eighth Fortune Stick


Old marriage ties,

Can they be renewed?

Reading the Fortune Stick Poem

Someone who overestimates their abilities and aims too high may not achieve satisfactory results even if they succeed. It is better to lower expectations and seek more attainable goals. In relationships, aiming too high can lead to disappointment; it is better to seek mutual respect and understanding.

Interpreting the Poem

This fortune stick poses a question: In marriage, when one partner has a higher status than the other, can they still get along? 'Old marriage ties' refers to an existing marriage, and 'can they be renewed?' asks if the higher-status partner can lower their status and get along harmoniously. It reminds people to respect and accommodate each other in marriage to avoid harming the relationship.

This fortune reminds people to respect and accommodate each other in marriage, avoiding status differences that could harm the relationship. If both can lower their status and interact equally, harmony and longevity in marriage can be achieved.