Yue Lao Fortune Poems - Sixth Fortune Stick - Interpreting

Sixth Fortune Stick

Very Auspicious

The wind stirs the sound of bamboo,

It seems like the sound of golden ornaments.

The moon moves the flower shadows,

I suspect a beautiful person is coming.

Reading the Fortune Stick Poem

The wind stirs the sound of bamboo, it seems like the sound of golden ornaments.

The moon moves the flower shadows, I suspect a beautiful person is coming. When the spring wind blows, the bamboo leaves sway, creating a rustling sound, as if golden ornaments are clinking. Day by day, the moon moves, and when you see the flower shadows, you might think a beautiful person is coming. This indicates that good things are near. Note: Under the moon and flowers, with the sounds of chickens and dogs, Yue Lao brings good news, and good things are near.

Interpreting the Poem

The meaning of this fortune is that in the midst of beautiful scenery, one hears a wonderful sound, thinking it is a precious object, but in reality, it is a beautiful person. This fortune's interpretation is related to love, indicating that in our pursuit of love, sometimes we can be deceived by appearances or other things, missing out on what is truly precious. Therefore, this fortune reminds people to keep a clear mind in love, not to be misled by appearances or other superficial things, and to see the true inner qualities of the other person.