Yue Lao Fortune Poems - Sixty-first Fortune Stick - Interpreting

Sixty-first Fortune Stick


Not knowing the person,

Look at their friends.

Reading the Fortune Stick Poem

To understand a person's character, observe their friends. If their friends are upright and serious, the person is likely to be trustworthy and respectable. The same principle applies to marriage; if unsure about someone, consider their friends carefully.

Interpreting the Poem

When we do not know someone's true nature, we can gain some insights from their friends. In love, if we are interested in someone but do not know much about their inner world and true thoughts, we can observe their friends and people around them to learn more. These friends may reveal some information about their character, preferences, values, etc., helping us understand them better. However, note that this information is for reference only and cannot replace directly interacting and getting to know the person.