Yue Lao Fortune Poems - Sixty-sixth Fortune Stick - Interpreting

Sixty-sixth Fortune Stick


Startled, I turn back,

With resentment, no one understands.

Choosing a cold branch, unwilling to perch,

Lonely sandbar cold.

Reading the Fortune Stick Poem

In your marriage, you are startled and turn back with resentment, but no one understands. No one helps, the resistance is too great. Not perching on a cold branch, forming a lonely sandbar. Too picky, leading to obstacles. If resistance cannot turn into assistance, it is hard to achieve.

Interpreting the Poem

A person feels lonely and sad due to love, feeling abandoned and in great pain. Choosing a cold branch on a lonely sandbar, showing their plight and helplessness. This stick's interpretation can be that love's loss and loneliness cause pain, sometimes leading to despair. It reminds people to stay rational and calm in love, not letting sorrow and pain affect judgment and actions.