Yue Lao Fortune Poems - Seventh Fortune Stick - Interpreting

Seventh Fortune Stick


This is a humble house,

But my virtue is fragrant.

Reading the Fortune Stick Poem

Although living in a humble chamber, if one possesses virtue, it will bring its own fragrance. In other words, even if one lives in a very humble abode, as long as they have virtue and wisdom, the heavens will grant them a good match. There is no need to feel inferior or abandoned.

Note: The opportunity has not yet arrived; meanwhile, cultivate oneself. With both virtue and wisdom, heaven will bestow a good match.

Interpreting the Poem

This fortune describes a person living in a humble environment but emitting a fragrant virtue due to their high morals. In terms of love, this fortune means that even if your environment is humble and you lack material wealth, if you have a beautiful, honest, and kind heart, you can attract someone with equally high qualities and achieve true love happiness. Therefore, this fortune encourages people to focus on their inner qualities rather than merely pursuing material wealth or external appearances.