Yue Lao Fortune Poems - Seventy-first Fortune Stick - Interpreting

Seventy-first Fortune Stick

Medium High

Even if there is silk and hemp,

Do not abandon straw and reeds.

Even if there is a noble lady,

Do not abandon humble ones.

Reading the Fortune Stick Poem

You have struggled and worked hard for many years and now have fine clothes and good food. However, you must not forget your humble beginnings. After crossing the bridge, you should not discard the cane that helped you. You must also be mindful of the people who have supported you. Do not abandon those who have fought for your success. If you forget and discard them, your fortune will start to decline. Be cautious.

Interpreting the Poem

The poem's words like 'silk and hemp,' 'straw and reeds,' 'noble lady,' and 'humble ones' represent different classes and statuses. This fortune stick's meaning is that even if there are differences in status, two people in love should not abandon each other because of these differences. As long as they love each other, they should be together firmly, unaffected by external factors. Therefore, this fortune stick can be interpreted as a reminder in love not to abandon each other because of external factors and to truly cherish and firmly stay together.