Yue Lao Fortune Poems - Seventy-third Fortune Stick - Interpreting

Seventy-third Fortune Stick

Great Good Luck

White clouds clear after the rain,

Birds are chasing each other.

Reading the Fortune Stick Poem

In the past, your days were dark and gloomy. Now, all the haze has been swept away. The white clouds have cleared, and birds are chasing each other in the sky. Your fate is bound to be successful and enviable. Go for it.

Interpreting the Poem

This stick signifies a beautiful scene and a happy atmosphere, which can be interpreted as a good omen for love. White clouds clearing after the rain represent that career or feelings are gradually becoming clear. Birds chasing each other represent mutual dependence and support in love. Therefore, if you ask about love, this stick is a good sign, indicating that your relationship will get better, with mutual trust and support. However, be careful not to get carried away and remember to stay calm and rational to maintain a good relationship.