Yue Lao Fortune Poems - Seventy-fifth Fortune Stick - Interpreting

Seventy-fifth Fortune Stick


Stealing fragrance and jade with effort,

Yet achieving nothing.

Since the flowering crabapple bloomed,

Thinking till now.

Reading the Fortune Stick Poem

In your relationship with the person, you only focus on stealing fragrance and jade, not for love. Such unions based on superficial attraction will eventually lead to separation. Marriage should be based on love to achieve happiness, not on beauty or wealth. Don't waste your youth. Single people should maintain a good reputation and be cautious.

Interpreting the Poem

Someone has been trying hard to steal a fragrance and jade but to no avail. Since the flowering crabapple bloomed, they have realized the precious opportunity was lost. This stick serves as a warning in love, reminding people to cherish the present opportunity and not always wait and pursue perfection, or they might miss the right person and love. It also suggests that people in love should be sincere and respectful, not infringing on others' feelings and dignity.