Yue Lao Fortune Poems - Seventy-seventh Fortune Stick - Interpreting

Seventy-seventh Fortune Stick


Marked with plum blossoms,

Actually seven.

Seek me, scholars,

Wait for the auspicious time.

Reading the Fortune Stick Poem

Marked place, there are plum blossoms. But actually, there are only seven parts. Seek me, scholars, wait for the auspicious time. No need to rush. If you rush, it won't succeed. In dealing with people, do not be too calculating. If you are too stingy, people will distance themselves. It must be changed.

Interpreting the Poem

“Marked with plum blossoms” refers to a matchmaker's words, where plum blossoms symbolize marriage. The poem says that although the plum blossoms are marked, it actually needs seven more entanglements and searches to successfully unite. Finally, it mentions waiting for the auspicious day to finally get the person you love. Therefore, the interpretation can be understood that finding love is not easy, requiring continuous effort and waiting, and the final result depends on fate and timing.