Yue Lao Fortune Poems - Seventy-eighth Fortune Stick - Interpreting

Seventy-eighth Fortune Stick


Haste makes waste.

Seeing small gains,

Big things will not be accomplished.

Reading the Fortune Stick Poem

Haste makes waste. This means that one should handle matters according to their urgency. If one rushes to achieve something, it will fail. However, it cannot be delayed for too long either. One should not pursue small gains and forget righteousness, as it will lead to being disliked by others and ultimately lead to failure. This must be understood.

Interpreting the Poem

This stick says that in the process of pursuing love, if you are too impatient and focus only on immediate small benefits, it will hinder the realization of big things. Therefore, the stick advises that in love, do not be greedy for immediate benefits. Instead, have patience, think from a long-term perspective, and slowly develop and nurture the relationship. Only then can you truly achieve the beauty of love.