Yue Lao Fortune Poems - Eighth Fortune Stick - Interpreting

Eighth Fortune Stick

Medium High

They awaited me in the mulberry fields,

They wanted me in the upper palace,

They sent me to the banks of Qi.

Reading the Fortune Stick Poem

Marriage is a lifelong commitment and a crucial determinant of one's happiness. Therefore, it must not be pursued through inappropriate or forceful means. One must win the other person's heart with genuine and proper intentions. Only through mutual consent can a successful union be achieved. If these principles are violated, even if a union is formed, it will lack true harmony and eventually lead to its downfall.

Note: Sincere intentions and genuine feelings are essential; forced relationships will not bring happiness.

Interpreting the Poem

This fortune describes a story of war and love. The term 'mulberry fields' refers to going to war, while 'upper palace' refers to marriage. The protagonist is expected to return home after the war and marry their beloved. The fortune implies that successful love requires enduring many trials and efforts, but the eventual result will be rewarding.

Therefore, in terms of love, this fortune suggests that if you have someone you wish to pursue, you need to be patient and persistent, enduring various trials and obstacles to win their heart. However, if you can persevere, the chances of success will be greater.